May 12, 2024

How to Use Your Expertise in Public Speaking to Pursue an Advocacy

If you’re an expert in public speaking, put it to good use. You can be part of an organisation that pushes for a good cause. Since you can speak well, you’re capable of helping the organisation achieve its goals. Here are the other ways of using your gift the right way.


Explain what the advocacy is about

Some people might want to know more about what you stand for. They refuse to support the advocacy since they need more information. Your ability to explain details can go a long way. If you clarify the advocacy to others, they might join the effort too.


Join public forums

While it helps to convince others in private, you’re even more effective when talking in public. Join forums where you have the chance to explain to a broader audience what the advocacy is about. You can even convince sceptical people by providing a counter-narrative.


Respond to opposing arguments

For instance, you want to promote environmental protection, you will find people who disagree with your methods. Others don’t even believe in the science of climate change in the first place. Since you’re capable of clarifying misconceptions, explain to others what you stand for. Provide arguments to support your case. You can also cite other sources to strengthen your ideas.

Don’t forget to practice how to respond to different views. You might get carried away by your emotions. If possible, present evidence and stick with facts. If you have to deliver a speech publicly, practice what to say first. You should also invest in a projector ceiling mount to keep the projector in place as you practice while in the office. Pretend like you’re already facing other people as you speak. It will help boost your confidence.


Organise against politicians who don’t support your cause

People in the office are powerful and can sway perceptions about different issues. If they’re on the right side, you have nothing to worry about. The problem is when they don’t share your beliefs. You have no choice but to organise against them. We need leaders who will promote the right thing. Use your skills to elect people who can help in your advocacy.

Since you’re already connecting with people, you might as well run for office yourself. You understand the issues, and you want them to be a priority. If you have time to get an elected post, start campaigning. Besides, you’re already working with people to make changes happen. You’re only taking it a step further. If you can convince others to join your cause, you have a good chance of getting elected.

Being an excellent public speaker is a gift. It’s also something you need to harness. Your skills will weaken if not used well. The only problem is you might also be too confident of yourself because you’re capable of swaying minds. Be cautious since this gift might work against you. Learn to be humble even if you already have the megaphone. Use your platform to good use at all times.

Image credit: Unsplash