October 22, 2024

Ambition Board searching for new recruits to help drive transformative £1bn Growth Deal

The Ambition Board’s Programme Office is looking to fill seven key positions that will drive forward the programmes that make up the Deal – part of the Growth Vision for North Wales.

Led by director Alwen Williams, the team currently consists of Digital Programme Manager Stuart Whitfield, Energy Programme Manager Henry Aron, Land and Property Manager David Matthews and Operations Manager Hedd Vaughan-Evans.

Based at Conwy Business Centre in Llandudno Junction – and remotely – they are seeking a Programme Manager to lead on High Value Manufacturing and Land-Based Industries and Tourism, a Senior Operations Officer, Project Manager (Energy), Project Manager (Digital), a Communications and Engagement Officer, a ESF (European Social Fund) Project Manager, and a Programme Support Officer.

The Programme Office was unveiled earlier this year; in past months they have been busy shaping business cases, engaging with stakeholders and partners, and exploring private sector investment opportunities, while holding virtual meetings and conferences in lockdown due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

“We are progressing with the Ambition Board’s excellent work driving the Growth Deal forward in partnership with the Welsh and UK Governments,” said Alwen.

“Our Growth Vision for North Wales spans the next 15 years, with the aspiration to grow our economy and improve productivity, creating jobs, training opportunities, and improving infrastructure.

“The Programme Office has a key part to play, to work flexibly with all partners to respond to the changes, challenges and opportunities, as well as to attract future investment, so finding the right candidates is going to be pivotal.”

As well as creating thousands of new jobs, the Growth Vision is targeting a £10bn increase in the value of the North Wales economy by 2035.

Cllr Dyfrig Siencyn, chair of the Ambition Board and leader of Gwynedd County Council, says the seven vacant roles will play a major role in supporting these aims.

“We have set a strong foundation to deliver the Growth Vision, exploiting the opportunities in the region as well as addressing some of the challenges facing the economy,” he said.

“Both Governments and the Ambition Board recognise the Growth Deal will be a key component as part of the economic recovery post Covid-19, and we look forward to having a full team in place to drive this work.

“These are very exciting opportunities, so we hope to see a strong selection of candidates applying.”

For more information, visit the website: www.northwaleseab.co.uk.

Alternatively, email info@buegogleddcymru.co.uk or follow North Wales Economic Ambition Board on social media at @BUEGogleddCymru (Welsh) or @NorthWalesEAB (English).